joi, 12 martie 2009


+St. John the New Monastery - located in Suceava, Suceava Country
+++The holy, glorious and right-victorious Great-martyr JOHN THE NEW of SUCEAVA was a romanian saint of the 14th century. His feast days are celebrated on June 2 and June 24. St. John was born in Trebizond in Asia Minor in about 1300 to devout Orthodox parents.On a trading trip to Cetatea Albă, then part of Moldova but now Bilhorod-Dnistrovs'kyy in the Ukraine, he got to know a Venetian merchant named Reiz whilst they were sailing on the Black Sea. They discussed the faith many times and, seeing that John always defeated his arguments, the Venetian decided to take revenge. On arriving in Cetatea Albă, Reiz spread a rumor that John, despite being raised Christian, was interested in the Muslim faith. Cetatea Albă at that time had been conquered by Muslim Tartars, and when their ruler heard the rumor he called for John. He was taken before the ruler and asked if it was true that he wished to deny the Christian faith and become a Muslim. He responded that he would never give up his faith in the true God in order to worship created things or the inventions of men. This response offended the Tartar ruler, who ordered John to renounce his faith on pain of torture. He refused to do so, enduring many beatings, and was eventually martyred by being dragged behind a horse through the streets of the city before having his head struck off by a 'fanatical Jew'. The year was 1330 and John was only about 30 years old. John's incorrupt relics have been kept at the monastery bearing his name in that city until the present. St. John the New is one of the most venerated saints in Moldova(Romania), and many miracles are associated with his relics.

Biserica actuala a manastirii Sfantul Ioan cel Nou de la Suceava, avand hramul Sfantul Mare Mucenic Gheorghe purtatorul de biruinta, a fost inceputa in 1514 de catre fiul lui Stefan cel Mare, Bogdan al III-lea cel Orb (1505-1517) si terminata de fiul lui Bogdan, Stefanita (1517-1527) in anul 1522.In biserica se pastreaza moastele Sfantului Ioan cel Nou, martirizat in Cetatea Alba (la sud de Republica Moldova, adica in Ucraina de azi) pe la anul 1332, care au fost aduse la Suceava in 1402 (sau 1415 istoricii nu sunt siguri) de Alexandru cel Bun si asezate, la inceput in biserica Mirauti din apropiere (pe atunci inca nu era construita biserica Manastirii Sfantul Ioan), iar apoi au fost aduse in aceasta biserica de catre Voievodul Petru Schiopul in 1589. +Tropar+
Aparatorul si sprijinitorul crestinatatii, impotrivitorului si surpatorului paganatatii, mucenicului celui de curand aratat, ostasului lui Hristos celui adevarat, care ca un soare Bisericii rasaritului a stralucit si pe credinciosi de veselie i-a umplut, toti acum din suflet cantari de multumire si de lauda sa-i aducem, si cu dorire sa-i cantam: Bucura-te Sfinte Ioane, mare mucenice a lui Hristos!

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